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Sertã: Six products from the region awarded in the "Great Taste - The Best Taste"

The DOM Almu pork meat (DOM Iguarias/Talhos Casel) and the Cartuchos de Amêndoa from Cernache do Bonjardim (Pastelaria Império) were awarded three stars. The distinction referring to two Stars was awarded to the Bucho da Sertã (Carnes Simões), Empada de Frango (Sandra Rodrigues Salgados), Maranho from Sertã (Carnes Simões) and Pastel de Natal (Pastelaria Império).

Six products from the Municipality of Sertã were recently awarded in the 2019 edition of the "Great Taste - The Best Taste" contest. In this contest, products are classified with one, two or three stars, each one meaning, respectively, "for the simply delicious", "for the exceptional" and "for the most exquisite in the market".

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Dom Maranho from Sertã is Two Stars in the Great Taste Awards

The recipe is over a hundred years old and delights those who have had the opportunity to try it.

Rice, goat meat, ham, sausage, and mint is the cooked preparation that is heated only in boiling water inside a bag made from the goat's stomach. Sounds strange?

Not so the jury of the Great Taste - The Best Taste. An award created in the UK in 1994, responsible for discovering food products of exceptional quality. In the words of the contest's judges, DOM Maranho da Sertã is a very pleasing product that matches the description.

"With salad in the summer, cooked greens in the winter" is the suggestion made by Telma Santos, responsible for the brand DOM Iguarias of Portuguese origin. Júlia - De Bem com a Vida went to taste this delicious and traditional recipe at the Wine Fair in Campo Pequeno and took the opportunity to talk to Telma Santos who proudly showed the prize won this Thursday, October 27th.

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Maranhos - Pedro Garcia Rosado

Maranhos, which are not exactly smoked products, are one of this segment's tastiest and, at the same time, least fatty specialties. Unfortunately, they are in short supply.

Chouriços, chorizos, smoked ham, farinheiras, morcelas, buchos, alheiras, linguiças... The sausages are one of the most interesting elements of Portuguese gastronomy, which offers a wide range of regional varieties. Meat, fats, fressuras, blood in some cases and spices are its essential components, in sets that have a slow cooking process, generally subject to a prolonged heat emission from fireplaces or traditional stoves.

Maranhos, which are not exactly smoked products, are one of this segment's tastiest and, at the same time, least fatty specialties. Unfortunately, they are in short supply.

Its origin, which according to a publication ("Traditional Portuguese Products") by the Directorate General of Agriculture and Rural Development may

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Dom Maranho from Sertã is Two Stars in the Great Taste Awards

For the first time in Portugal, the Great Taste Awards - Best Taste, distinguished this year with two stars DOM Maranho da Sertã. A product from Sertã with a centenary recipe and produced by Casel butchers since 1984. The award was created in the United Kingdom in 1994.

In a press release, DOM iguarias de origem portuguesa (Portuguese delicacies) refers that it competed to the Great Taste Awards with its best known delicacy - DOM Maranho da Sertã. The dish was evaluated in five blind tasting sessions between September and October by a jury made up of dozens of experts in different areas, including chefs, technicians, researchers, buyers, retailers, catering professionals, critics and journalists.

In the document that proves the two-star seal on DOM Maranho da Sertã you can read the judges' comments: "very nice product that matches the description", being also pointed out that the Great Taste Awards is responsible, for 22 years, for the

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Dom Maranho from Sertã is Two Stars in the Great Taste Awards

The award was created in the United Kingdom in 1994. In 2016, for the first time in Portugal, Great Taste Awards - Best Taste distinguished with two stars DOM Maranho da Sertã. A product from Sertaginense with a centenary recipe and produced by Casel butchers since 1984.

DOM Portuguese delicacies competed to the Great Taste Awards with its best known delicacy - DOM Maranho da Sertã. The dish was evaluated in five blind tasting sessions, between September and October, by a jury composed of dozens of experts in several areas.

From cooks, technicians, researchers, buyers, retailers, catering professionals, critics, and journalists. On the document that proves the two-star seal on DOM Maranho da Sertã you can read the jurors' comments: a very pleasant product that matches the description. It should be noted that the Great Taste Awards has been responsible for discovering exceptional quality food products for 22 years.

"I am very proud", says Telma Santos, responsible for the Great Taste Awards.

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Maranho / Interview - Dom Maranho becomes a gourmet delicacy

Lately, we have stopped looking at the product as a party dish and started to make parties around it, but it has never stopped being the essence of the people from the region of Sertã or from the pine forest area that, in times of fertile agriculture and subsistence, subsisted with what the land gave.

It has never ceased to be an essence, but it has become essential for the dynamization of the economy. The bet is being achieved and nowadays there are few people in the country who don't know the Sertã maranho and many who look for it every year in the commerce and restaurants of the county.

The taste is strong and accentuated and that is what makes maranho a dish different from the others. People from inside know the flavor and no longer find it strange, those outside get a taste for what the entrails, in this case of the goat, offer as a meal. The DOM Iguarias project is associated with the Talhos Casel. The bet aimed to give another image, more beautiful and to present this product in gourmet stores. In Sertã and in the region it is known and everyone knows what it contains. Patrícia Santos reveals that for the last four years.

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